Census Semantic Data Models published

14. April 2022

In 2021–2022, George Bruseker and Denitsa Nenova of Takin.solutions have been coor­di­na­ting the Census data with the semantic frame­work used most often for cultural heri­tage data, the CIDOC-CRM. More speci­fi­cally, they have been alig­ning the Census data with the CIDOC-CRM model­ling stan­dards for art history created by the Swiss Art Rese­arch Infra­struc­ture in Zurich. The goal of this project has been to create linked, open Census data and new possi­bi­li­ties for using, sear­ching and sharing this data.

Bruseker and Nenova’s docu­men­ta­tion of the Census Semantic Data Models (CSDM), was published on GitHub on 14 April, 2022. The full CSDM docu­men­ta­tion can be found here, and an intro­duc­tion to the data models can be found here on the Census website.