Census Fellow­ship in the Recep­tion of Antiquity

15. Februar 2024

The Institut für Kunst- und Bild­ge­schichte, Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin, the Biblio­theca Hertziana – Max Planck Insti­tute for Art History, and the Warburg Insti­tute, School of Advanced Study, Univer­sity of London, are pleased to announce a fellow­ship in Berlin, Rome, and London, offered at either the predoc­toral or post­doc­toral level. These fellow­ships grow out of the long­stan­ding colla­bo­ra­tion between the Humboldt, the Hertziana, and the Warburg in the rese­arch project Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance (https://www.census.de).

The fellow­ships extend the tradi­tional chro­no­lo­gical boun­da­ries of the Census and are intended for rese­arch and intellec­tual exch­ange on topics related to the recep­tion of anti­quity in the visual arts between c. 1350 and c. 1900. In the context of the fellow­ships, the topic of the recep­tion of anti­quity is also broadly conceived without geogra­phical rest­ric­tion. Propo­sals can optio­nally include a digital huma­ni­ties perspec­tive, engage with the data­base of the Census (https://database.census.de/), or make use of the rese­arch mate­rials of the Census project available in Berlin, Rome, and London.

The Humboldt, the Hertziana, and the Warburg co-fund a rese­arch grant of 6–9 months for students enrolled in a PhD program, or 4–6 months for candi­dates already in posses­sion of a PhD. Fellows can set their own sche­dule and choose how to divide their time between the three insti­tutes, but they should plan to spend at least one month in resi­dence at each of the three institutions.

The stipend will be set at c. 1,500 EUR per month at the predoc­toral level and c. 2,500 EUR per month at the post­doc­toral level, plus a travel stipend of 500 EUR. The fellow­ship does not provide housing.

Candi­dates can apply via the portal available on the Hertziana website (https://recruitment.biblhertz.it). They should upload the requested PDF docu­ments in English, German, or Italian by April 30, 2024, with details of their proposed dates for the fellow­ship during the academic year 2024/25 (July 2024–July 2025).