Coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa

Coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa

The Census project has over the last year begun to work in close coope­ra­tion with the project and data­base Ubi Erat Lupa directed by Ortolf and Frie­de­rike Harl (Vienna). Ubi erat Lupa charts the geogra­phic reach of the Roman ’she-wolf’ with a...
Erasmus Fellow Giorgia Agostini

Erasmus Fellow Giorgia Agostini

As part of her PhD rese­arch and thanks to the Erasmus trai­nee­ship program, Giorgia Agos­tini will conduct rese­arch at the Census for six months, between October 2023 and March 2024. Giorgia Agos­tini is a PhD student in the History of Art programme at the...
New post for Verso by Chris­to­pher Lu

New post for Verso by Chris­to­pher Lu

Chris­to­pher G. Lu, a Rhodes Scholar at the Univer­sity of Oxford, has published a new blog post for Verso. Lu is curr­ently reading for an MSt in Modern Languages at Oxford and specia­lises in Renais­sance art and intellec­tual history. Lu’s post for Verso follows...
New SPARQL Endpoint

New SPARQL Endpoint

The data of The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance has been seman­ti­cally modelled accor­ding to the CIDOC-CRM frame­work and trans­formed into RDF/XML files. These files will soon be depo­sited on the edoc server of the...