Coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa

29. Oktober 2023

The Census project has over the last year begun to work in close coope­ra­tion with the project and data­base Ubi Erat Lupa directed by Ortolf and Frie­de­rike Harl (Vienna). Ubi erat Lupa charts the geogra­phic reach of the Roman ’she-wolf’ with a conti­nu­ally-expan­ding coll­ec­tion of records on the stone monu­ments of the ancient world. By privi­le­ging monu­ments made in stone and marble, Lupa traces the most endu­ring physical relics of ancient history, culture, art and society. Like the Census data­base, it compiles images and biblio­graphy related to antique sculp­ture, reliefs, inscrip­tions and works of archi­tec­ture and includes, as well, details of the post-antique after­life of these monuments.

Photo­graphs are a parti­cular strength of Ubi erat Lupa. New photo­graphs of the highest quality are conti­nu­ally added to the Lupa coll­ec­tion thanks to compre­hen­sive photo­gra­phic surveys carried out by Ortolf and Frie­de­rike Harl. The data­base features thou­sands of photo­graphs of anti­qui­ties preserved in museums (who have often opened up their store­rooms to the Harls), of antique monu­ments in the open land­scape and of spolia immured on buil­dings. In coope­ra­tion with the Census project, Lupa has recently conducted photo­gra­phic campaigns in the Museo Civico archeo­lo­gico in Bologna and the Museo di Santa Giulia in Brescia. A planned photo­gra­phic campaign resul­ting from a coope­ra­tion between Census, Lupa and the Musei Reali of Torino will take place in. November, 2023.

The Census and Ubi Erat Lupa are highly compa­tible data­bases that will work colla­bo­ra­tively to provide new resources for their own data­bases and for the academic commu­nity at large. Already the over­laps have proven to be fruitful, given the Census’s strengths in post­clas­sical recep­tion and Lupa’s strengths in the history of inscrip­tions and in anti­qui­ties preserved North of the Alps and in Eastern Europe. The colla­bo­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa has already enri­ched the Census records on monu­ments in Graz or in Celje (Slovenia) which were known to the French anti­qua­rian Jean-Jacques Boissard.

Photo­gra­phic campaigns carried out in coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa:

Bologna, Museo civico archeo­lo­gico, January 2023

Brescia, Museo di Santa Giulia, March 2023

Torino, Musei Reali, November 2023

Ortolf Harl in Brescia