Call for Parti­ci­pa­tion: Linking Linked Data in Art History Inte­rest Group

8. Februar 2024

Linked data (LD) has been a focus of much acti­vity in the fields of cultural heri­tage, huma­ni­ties and art and archi­tec­tural history over the past several years, as evidenced by projects inclu­ding Yale’s Lux search tool and the conver­sion to LD of the data in the Census and the Getty Proven­ance Index. Much of the atten­tion and resources focused on LD has centered on the tech­nical chal­lenges of crea­ting LD repo­si­to­ries and/or inter­faces. There have so far been fewer oppor­tu­ni­ties to consider LD from the researcher’s perspec­tive or for scho­lars to share with each other the chal­lenges and oppor­tu­ni­ties of rese­arch in an envi­ron­ment of LD. How speci­fi­cally do (or could) scho­lars use linked data or linked data-powered rese­arch and disco­very tools to conduct rese­arch and write histo­ries of art, archi­tec­ture, and other forms of cultural heri­tage? What role could scho­lars of art and archi­tec­tural history play in crea­ting and main­tai­ning an ecosystem of LD? Moreover, how can LD–in both the prac­tices asso­ciated with it and the rese­arch it produces–be more ethical and inclusive?

As a step towards forming a commu­nity of prac­tice around LD for art and archi­tec­tural history and cultural heri­tage rese­arch, we are invi­ting those inte­rested to parti­ci­pate in convenings related to the explo­ra­tion of LD and its appli­ca­tion to rese­arch and scho­lar­ship in these fields. For further details and to express inte­rest in parti­ci­pa­ting see

Please complete and submit the form by March 5, 2024 for full conside­ra­tion. If you have any ques­tions, feel free to email us at LDinAH [at] goog­le­groups [dot] com


Kath­leen Chris­tian, Professor of Early Modern Art History (Humboldt Univer­sität Berlin)
Sandra van Ginhoven, Head, Getty Proven­ance Index (Getty Rese­arch Institute)
Emily Pugh, Prin­cipal Rese­arch Specia­list for Digital Art History (Getty Rese­arch Institute)