New post for Verso by Juan Carlos G. Mantilla

18. Juli 2023

Juan Carlos G. Mantilla, an assistant professor of world lite­ra­tures at Cali­fornia State Univer­sity in Fresno (USA) has written a new essay for the Census rese­arch blog Verso.

Mantilla’s essay, titled Sacsay­hu­aman in Early Moder­nity: the Inven­tion of New Ancient Edifices, examines the various ways in which art and history of the Early Modern period inter­preted the Inca buil­ding Sacsay­hu­aman in Cuzco. By studying Italian, Andean, and Spanish visual and written sources, he analyzes how this pre-Colum­bian edifice was concep­tua­lized, described, narrated, and depicted. His essay reveals how the recep­tion of non-Western mate­rial culture influenced Early Modern art histo­rical and archi­tec­tural thought and provided the prin­ci­ples for the inven­tion of new ancient edifices. Mantilla argues that its trans­for­ma­tions depended on the inven­tion of the Inca King, a royal, yet indi­ge­nous figure from the ancient past who was funda­mental to Early Modern imagi­nings of Andean history. He also considers the impli­ca­tions of efforts to include Sacsay­hu­aman in the data­base of the “Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance,” raising ques­tions about how early modern anti­qua­rian know­ledge is syste­ma­tized and categorized.

The essay is published in both English and in German. Click here to read the English version, or here for the German translation.

Mantilla was a predoc­toral fellow in Rome and Berlin in 2022–23 as the first reci­pient of the Census x Hertziana Fellowship.