Online Cata­logue of the Codex Coner

12. Dezember 2024

The Codex Coner, now in the coll­ec­tion of the Sir John Soane’s Museum, London, is an extra­or­di­nary album of archi­tec­tural drawings from the sixte­enth century. The drawings, by the Floren­tine draughtsman Bernardo della Volpaia (c.1475–1521/22), were highly prized in their day and many were copied by Michel­an­gelo. Most of the drawings in the Codex Coner repre­sent ancient Roman monu­ments, and this work has long been an important point of refe­rence in the Census database.

Now, a new cata­logue of the Codex Coner has been published online. This resource, the first cata­logue of these important Italian Renais­sance drawings since Thomas Ashby’s in 1904, was recently completed by Profes­sors Paul Davies (Univer­sity of Reading) and David Hemsoll (Univer­sity of Birmingham).

The entries can now be consulted via the website of the Soane Museum, and Professor Davies and Hemsoll will also publish their cata­logue of the Codex Coner as a book.

In 2011, the Census project provided funding for new photo­graphs by Ardon Bar-Hama of the Codex Coner, which are now present both in the online cata­logue and in the Census database.

To explore the online cata­logue of the Codex Coner, click here.