The Census joins ARIADNEplus

27. Oktober 2022

Over the past year efforts have been underway to inte­grate the Census data accor­ding to the CIDOC-CRM frame­work so that its resources can be shared with those of other projects.  Inte­gra­tion with similar art-histo­rical projects is underway through colla­bo­ra­tion with CORDH, and to link Census data with similar archaeo­lo­gical projects, the Census has become an asso­ciate partner of the ARIAD­NE­plus consortium.

ARIAD­NE­plus is the followup project of ARIADNE (2013–2017) data infra­struc­ture project and is funded under the Horizon 2020 scheme. It repres­ents an inter­na­tional part­ner­ship of over 40 diffe­rent archaeo­lo­gical data repo­si­to­ries working to combine their resources. ARIADNE aggre­gates the meta­data of these projects, enab­ling c. 2 million data­sets to be sear­ched via a single portal and as a single cata­logue. The resul­ting coverage is truly vast, and encom­passes of archaeo­lo­gical projects across an expan­sive geogra­phical and chro­no­lo­gical range.

We will look forward to reporting further on the results of the Census data aggre­ga­tion in 2023.