New User Hand­book and Changes to the Census Database

8. November 2023

A new user hand­book for the Census data­base has been published and is now available here. The hand­book offers a complete guide to all of the features and search func­tions of the database.

The hand­book also reflects adjus­t­ments have been made to the new data­base since its launch in April, 2023. Over the past months, several changes have been imple­mented to improve user experience.

This week, after new features were added to the FYLR soft­ware inter­face, a parti­cu­larly signi­fi­cant change in search func­tions was released. Whereas previously, all types of data in the Census data­base could be sear­ched at once, now only Antique Monu­ments and Post­clas­sical Works can be sear­ched in combi­na­tion. The change was imple­mented in order to improve the search func­tions of the data­base and to make it easier to find and use the core data of the Census.

There are six types of data sets in the Census: the two primary cate­go­ries of data (or ‘object types’), Antique Monu­ments and Post­clas­sical Works, and the six secon­dary object types, Persons, Biblio­graphy, Loca­tions, Periods, Styles, and Images. Records which are clas­si­fied as secon­dary object types supple­ment and are linked to the records of the primary object types.

All of the secon­dary object types (Images, Persons, Biblio­graphy, Loca­tions, Periods, and Styles) can still also be sear­ched in the data­base, but now not in combi­na­tion with the primary cate­go­ries of data, Antique Monu­ments and Post­clas­sical Works. This approach will help users to navi­gate the data in a way which is suited to the internal struc­ture of the data model, leading to better search results.

Now, users should search for Antique Monu­ments and Post­clas­sical Works either singly or in combi­na­tion by selec­ting them in the Sources Menu (the drop-down menu labeled ‘Choose a Data Set to Search’). To search the secon­dary object types, users can select them by clicking on the icons located on the left-hand side bar:

To learn how to use the search func­tions of the data­base, users can expe­ri­ment with a number of model sear­ches provided in the new user handbook.