New Hypo­theses blog: Verso

1. Februar 2023

We are pleased to announce the launch of the Hypo­theses rese­arch blog Verso, a plat­form for short, illus­trated essays dealing with the history, metho­do­logy, tech­no­logy and use of the Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance. Verso will offer members of the Census staff, data­base users, colla­bo­ra­tors and fellows a venue in which to discuss their expe­ri­ences working with the project. Essays discus­sing rese­arch that has resulted from an enga­ge­ment with the Census, or metho­do­lo­gical reflec­tions upon the project are welcome. The site is intended to serve as a plat­form for discus­sion open to the wider community.

The title Verso pays homage to the way in which Phyllis Pray Bober, Ruth Rubin­stein and others added their own hand­written notes on the backs of Census photo­graphs and index cards during the era in which the analogue Census was built. In the spirit of these colla­bo­ra­tive anno­ta­tions, contri­bu­tions are sought that offer ‘behind the scenes’ reflec­tions on the Census project, its meaning, its history, its rela­ti­onship with the field of digital huma­ni­ties, and its future.