Database updates
On this page, you will find announcements of updates to the database, including new features, improvements, and new images and data. For any feedback of questions, please contact census [dot] ikb [at] hu-berlin [dot] de.
22.09.24 New photos of Siena, Biblioteca Comunale, S II 4
A book of drawings in Siena formerly attributed to Anton Maria Levi, otherwise known as ‘Il Tozzo’, and now thought to be by Teofilo Gallaccini (Siena, Biblioteca Comunale, S II 4) have been updated with new, colour digital photographs in high resolution. Images of all pages of the codex have been added.
22.09.24 New photos of Parma, Biblioteca Palatina, Ms. Parm. 1535 (‘Aspertini’ Codex)
The so-called “Aspertini Codex” in the Biblioteca Palatina in Parma (Ms. Parm. 1535) have been updated with new, colour digital photographs in high resolution. Images of all pages of the codex have been added.
14.08.24 New photos for the manuscript of Alfonsus Ciacconius (Biblioteca Angelica)
The Census entries for the manuscript of Alfonsus Ciacconius in the Biblioteca Angelica in Rome (Ms. 1564) have been updated with new digital photographs in high resolution and in colour.
26.06.24 New layout for records in detail view
A new layout now makes it easier to find information contained in Census records.
Instead of scrolling down, now users can click on tabs arranged horizontally to access information. Also, the wider use of dynamic links now makes it easier to navigate the database, as is seen in this example:
16.05.24 New Photographs of Ligorio manuscripts in Naples
New photographs have been added to all of the Census records of Pirro Ligorio’s manuscripts in Naples (Ligorio, Ligorio, BNN, Ms XIII B 1–10). Now, thanks to this campaign, over 1,000 pages of Ligorio’s manuscript can be read and studied for the first time in high-resolution, colour photographs. The digitisation of the manuscripts was carried out with the kind collaboration of the Biblioteca Nazionale in Naples.
09.05.24 New photographs of the Galli-Albani Sleeping Nymph in Urbino
New photographs of the Galli-Albani Sleeping Nymph now on display in the library of the Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici in Urbino (CensusID #157624) were taken for the Census, and have been added to the database. Previously this object, which was drawn in the collection of the Galli by Maarten van Heemskerck and moved to Urbino by Pope Clement XI Albani, was only known through a single black-and-white view published by Maria Elisa Micheli. The photo campaign was conducted with the cooperation of the Università degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Dipartimento di Studi Umanistici (DISTUM) and was carried out by the photographer Giancarlo Gobbi, with the kind assistance of Professor Anna Santucci.
23.03.24 Self-registration enabled
Database users can now register for user accounts without emailing the Census. Simply click on the Register link at the top of the database, in the right-hand side of the menu bar, and follow the instructions.
23.03.24 Select hierarchy levels
The data in the Census is organised hierarchically: the Pantheon, for example, is a top-level entry that includes many sub-entries underneath it (the cella of the Pantheon, the portico of the Pantheon, etc.). The Codex Coburgensis is a top-level entry that includes all of the pages of the Codex as sub-entries.
In the Census, by default users will automatically retreive all possible hits for a search. A search for the Codex Coburgensis thus brings up the top-level record for the Codex AND all sub-records, that is, all pages of the Codex.
By selecting an appropriate hierarchy level, you can now choose to search only top-level records (records that are not subordinate to other records). This method is useful, for example, when searching for the Codex Coburgensis or the Pantheon itself rather than a particular page of the Codex Coburgensis, or a particular column of the Pantheon.
To change this default setting, choose ‘top-level only’ from the drop down menu labelled ‘Hierarchy: automatic’. In this manner you can limit your results and can find top-level records more easily.
21.03.24 RDF files published
Census data was exported from the database, transformed into RDF files, and published on the e‑doc server of the Humboldt University. Please see the readme text for further information.