Data­base updates

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On this page, you will find announce­ments of updates to the data­base, inclu­ding new features, impro­ve­ments, and new images and data.  For any feed­back of ques­tions, please contact census [dot] ikb [at] hu-berlin [dot] de.

22.09.24 New photos of Siena, Biblio­teca Comu­nale, S II 4

A book of drawings in Siena form­erly attri­buted to Anton Maria Levi, other­wise known as ‘Il Tozzo’, and now thought to be by Teofilo Gall­ac­cini (Siena, Biblio­teca Comu­nale, S II 4) have been updated with new, colour digital photo­graphs in high reso­lu­tion. Images of all pages of the codex have been added.


22.09.24 New photos of Parma, Biblio­teca Pala­tina, Ms. Parm. 1535 (‘Asper­tini’ Codex)

The so-called “Asper­tini Codex” in the Biblio­teca Pala­tina in Parma (Ms. Parm. 1535) have been updated with new, colour digital photo­graphs in high reso­lu­tion. Images of all pages of the codex have been added.


14.08.24 New photos for the manu­script of Alfonsus Ciac­co­nius (Biblio­teca Angelica)

The Census entries for the manu­script of Alfonsus Ciac­co­nius in the Biblio­teca Ange­lica in Rome (Ms. 1564) have been updated with new digital photo­graphs in high reso­lu­tion and in colour.

26.06.24 New layout for records in detail view

A new layout now makes it easier to find infor­ma­tion contained in Census records.

Instead of scrol­ling down, now users can click on tabs arranged hori­zon­tally to access infor­ma­tion. Also, the wider use of dynamic links now makes it easier to navi­gate the data­base, as is seen in this example:


16.05.24 New Photo­graphs of Ligorio manu­scripts in Naples 

New photo­graphs have been added to all of the Census records of Pirro Ligorio’s manu­scripts in Naples (Ligorio, Ligorio, BNN, Ms XIII B 1–10). Now, thanks to this campaign, over 1,000 pages of Ligorio’s manu­script can be read and studied for the first time in high-reso­lu­tion, colour photo­graphs. The digi­ti­sa­tion of the manu­scripts was carried out with the kind colla­bo­ra­tion of the Biblio­teca Nazio­nale in Naples.

09.05.24 New photo­graphs of the Galli-Albani Slee­ping Nymph in Urbino

New photo­graphs of the Galli-Albani Slee­ping Nymph now on display in the library of the Dipar­ti­mento di Studi Umani­stici in Urbino (CensusID #157624) were taken for the Census, and have been added to the data­base. Previously this object, which was drawn in the coll­ec­tion of the Galli by Maarten van Heems­kerck and moved to Urbino by Pope Clement XI Albani, was only known through a single black-and-white view published by Maria Elisa Micheli. The photo campaign was conducted with the coope­ra­tion of the Univer­sità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Dipar­ti­mento di Studi Umani­stici (DISTUM) and was carried out by the photo­grapher Gian­carlo Gobbi, with the kind assis­tance of Professor Anna Santucci.

23.03.24 Self-regis­tra­tion enabled

Data­base users can now register for user accounts without emai­ling the Census. Simply click on the Register link at the top of the data­base, in the right-hand side of the menu bar, and follow the instructions.

23.03.24 Select hier­archy levels

The data in the Census is orga­nised hier­ar­chi­cally: the Pantheon, for example, is a top-level entry that includes many sub-entries under­neath it (the cella of the Pantheon, the portico of the Pantheon, etc.). The Codex Cobur­gensis is a top-level entry that includes all of the pages of the Codex as sub-entries.

In the Census, by default users will auto­ma­ti­cally retreive all possible hits for a search. A search for the Codex Cobur­gensis thus brings up the top-level record for the Codex AND all sub-records, that is, all pages of the Codex.

By selec­ting an appro­priate hier­archy level, you can now choose to search only top-level records (records that are not subor­di­nate to other records). This method is useful, for example, when sear­ching for the Codex Cobur­gensis or the Pantheon itself rather than a parti­cular page of the Codex Cobur­gensis, or a parti­cular column of the Pantheon.

To change this default setting, choose ‘top-level only’ from the drop down menu labelled ‘Hier­archy: auto­matic’. In this manner you can limit your results and can find top-level records more easily.

21.03.24 RDF files published

Census data was exported from the data­base, trans­formed into RDF files, and published on the e‑doc server of the Humboldt Univer­sity. Please see the readme text for further information.