Anti­qua­rian Drawings Work­shop, Oxford, September 5–6

23. June 2024

Crea­ti­vity and Inven­tion in Anti­qua­rian Drawings (1400–1600)

Work­shop, Ashmo­lean Museum, September 5–6, 2024

An upco­ming work­shop to be held at the Ashmo­lean Museum will center on the crea­ti­vity and inven­tion of Early Modern drawings of anti­qui­ties, which are still too often unders­tood as accu­rate, archaeo­lo­gical “docu­ments” for the appearance and survival of ancient arti­facts. In the past two decades, a wealth of new scho­lar­ship has called atten­tion to issues such as artistic agency, crea­ti­vity, context, tech­nique, patro­nage, and purpose, in short, issues rele­vant to Renais­sance anti­qua­rian drawings as artworks in their own right. Brin­ging toge­ther inter­na­tional spea­kers and inter­di­sci­pli­nary parti­ci­pants, the confe­rence aims to re-consider the parti­cular aims and func­tions of this type of drawing, using the riches of the Ashmolean’s own coll­ec­tion as a point of departure.

The confe­rence is free and all are welcome, but pre-regis­tra­tion is required. 

Spea­kers: Tatjiana Bartsch, Cammy Brot­hers, Kath­leen Chris­tian, Marzia Faietti, Robert Gaston, Clare Guest, Eliza­beth Merrill, Anna Rebecca Sartore, Giovanni Santucci, Michael Waters, and Carolyn Yerkes

The confe­rence is orga­nized by Cammy Brot­hers, Professor of Archi­tec­tural History, Northe­as­tern Univer­sity; Kath­leen Chris­tian, Professor of Early Modern Art and Director of The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance, Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin; Jennifer Sliwka, Keeper of Western Art, Ashmo­lean Museum of Art and Garlick Profes­so­rial Fellow, Balliol College; and Cathe­rine Whistler, Emeritus Rese­arch Fellow, St. John’s College.

The work­shop is gene­rously funded by the Fritz Thyssen Stif­tung, the Humboldt Univer­sity in Berlin, the Oxford Berlin Rese­arch Part­ner­ship / Berlin Univer­sity Alli­ance, and Northe­as­tern University.