Online Cata­logue of the Codex Coner

Online Cata­logue of the Codex Coner

The Codex Coner, now in the coll­ec­tion of the Sir John Soane’s Museum, London, is an extra­or­di­nary album of archi­tec­tural drawings from the sixte­enth century. The drawings, by the Floren­tine draughtsman Bernardo della Volpaia (c.1475–1521/22), were highly...
Confe­rence: La forma delle Muse

Confe­rence: La forma delle Muse

La forma delle Muse: un dialogo di parole e immagini Univer­sità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo 9 — 11 DICEMBRE 2024  Palazzo Bona­ven­tura — Aula Magna Retto­rale, Via Saffi, 2, Urbino  LUNEDÌ 9 dicembre (sessione pome­ri­diana) — ore 15.00–19.00 ...
New Post for Verso by Jorinde Lea Miller

New Post for Verso by Jorinde Lea Miller

A new essay in both English and German versions has been added to the Census rese­arch blog, Verso: ‘Forgery, Imita­tion, Emula­tion: the Crea­tion of Anti­quity in the Renais­sance’ / ‘Fakt und Fake: Eine Antike neuzeit­li­cher Krea­tion’ by Census student assistant...
Confe­rence, La fabrique de l’antique

Confe­rence, La fabrique de l’antique

The inter­na­tional confe­rence, La fabrique de l’an­tique: Les sculp­tures anti­ques entre coll­ec­tions et insti­tu­tions muséales 16e – 19e siècles will take place in Rome and in Paris between the 21st and the 25th of October, 2024.  The programme is offered...