Excur­sion Rome-Florence

Excur­sion Rome-Florence

Between February 20 and 23, a group of BA and MA students in from the Humboldt Univer­sity spent four inspi­ring days on an excur­sion to Rome and Florence studying the topic of museums, coll­ec­tions and museo­logy in Italy between the 15th and the 21st centuries....
Coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa

Coope­ra­tion with Ubi erat Lupa

The Census project has over the last year begun to work in close coope­ra­tion with the project and data­base Ubi Erat Lupa directed by Ortolf and Frie­de­rike Harl (Vienna). Ubi erat Lupa charts the geogra­phic reach of the Roman ’she-wolf’ with a...
Erasmus Fellow Giorgia Agostini

Erasmus Fellow Giorgia Agostini

As part of her PhD rese­arch and thanks to the Erasmus trai­nee­ship program, Giorgia Agos­tini will conduct rese­arch at the Census for six months, between October 2023 and March 2024. Giorgia Agos­tini is a PhD student in the History of Art programme at the...