Logi­ques du négatif, part 3

Logi­ques du négatif, part 3

Traces et empreints dans l’art du Moyen-Âge et des temps moderns Follo­wing meetings at the Univer­sité Catho­lique de Louvain and at the Humboldt-Univer­sität in Berlin, the group Logi­ques du négatif will be holding a third sympo­sium at the Univer­sity of...
Three All’An­tica Sessions at RSA

Three All’An­tica Sessions at RSA

At the Renais­sance Society of America meeting in Chicago, 21–23 March 2024, three sessions will be devoted to topics related to the recep­tion of the anti­quity. These sessions will explore themes related to antique recep­tion in Italy and Medi­ter­ra­nean, Nort­hern...