NFDI4Culture Forum: Census Data as Linked Open Data

6. April 2022

On May 2, 2022, Kath­leen Chris­tian and Franz Engel (HU Berlin) toge­ther with Denitsa Nenova ( Athens) will present the upco­ming deve­lo­p­ment of the trans­for­ma­tion of Census data into Linked Open Data (LOD).

The Census team was invited by NFDI4Culture’s Working Group on Data Stan­dards and Data Quality (Task Area 2) to the consortium’s second public, digital forum. In this forum, the focus is on frequently-occur­ring problems and ques­tions rela­ting to data quality. The starting point will be concrete scena­rios drawn from rese­arch projects in the fields of art, music, media and theatre studies. The exch­ange at the event is intended to raise aware­ness of where problems with data quality arise, and how they can be tackled.

One of the central goals of the Census team is to make the exten­sive content of the data­base available as a LOD in the near future. The trans­for­ma­tion is aimed at crea­ting effi­ci­ency and simpli­fi­ca­tion: first, the Census has the oppor­tu­nity to refine the data model intern­ally to create more accu­rate and more easily reusable data points, while main­tai­ning the conti­nuity of the project data model. Second, this tran­si­tion allows the Census data to link to other LOD coll­ec­tions. Opening up the Census’s extre­mely rich and valuable art histo­rical data as LOD aims to enable rese­ar­chers to approach the data in diffe­rent ways, and pursue new rese­arch goals by buil­ding upon or buil­ding upon the foun­da­tions of the Census in enti­rely new ways.