Erasmus Fellow Giorgia Agostini

21. October 2023

As part of her PhD rese­arch and thanks to the Erasmus trai­nee­ship program, Giorgia Agos­tini will conduct rese­arch at the Census for six months, between October 2023 and March 2024.

Giorgia Agos­tini is a PhD student in the History of Art programme at the Univer­sity of Florence, Pisa and Siena. She was awarded a scho­lar­ship titled ‘Archi­ving and Valo­ri­sa­tion of 16th-century Anti­qua­rian Texts and Images’. She completed her BA in History and Conser­va­tion of Cultural Heri­tage at the Univer­sity Roma 3 and her Master’s degree in History and Forms of Visual Arts, Enter­tain­ment and New Media with honours at the Univer­sity of Pisa, writing her thesis on the topic, ‘From Text to Image: the Table of Cebes and its Icono­graphy in Italy in the Sixte­enth Century’. Her rese­arch inte­rests include 16th-century art and coll­ec­tions, Renais­sance icono­graphy, the sources of alle­go­rical and symbolic figu­ra­tive language, and digital huma­ni­ties for art-histo­rical research.

Giorgia Agos­tini is curr­ently working on her PhD project, entitled ‘Project LiDi 1.0: a Metho­do­lo­gical Study for the Cons­truc­tion of the Digital Ligorio Plat­form’. Li(gorio)Di(gitale) 1.0 is a pilot project that aims to inves­ti­gate and test metho­do­lo­gies and tools suitable for a digital edition of Ligorio’s manu­scripts. It starts with the manu­scripts in Pirro Ligorio’s alpha­be­tical Ency­clo­paedia of Anti­quity preserved at the State Archives of Turin. The inten­tion is to make a facsi­mile and tran­scrip­tion of the text available as an anno­tated, digital edition that opens up multiple perspec­tives on Pirro Ligorio’s work. Diffe­rent solu­tions will be explored for the three parts of the project: the appli­ca­tion of Hand­written Text Reco­gni­tion (HTR) tech­no­logy for the auto­matic acqui­si­tion of the content of the manu­scripts; the tagging of the text’s struc­ture and seman­tics with XML TEI; and finally the visua­li­sa­tion of data to imple­ment a proto­type for an online platform.

Through the analysis of selected case studies, a proof of concept will be deve­loped in view of a larger colla­bo­ra­tive project. Moreover, the project aims to link the data recorded in the text to exis­ting online data­bases, such as the Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture known in the Renais­sance. This process will help to reveal connec­tions and rela­ti­onships with Pirro Ligorio’s work, giving a more complete view of the Renais­sance culture of his time.

Giorgia Agostini’s work at the Census will focus on how to imple­ment connec­tions with the Census data­base. Speci­fi­cally, she will be adding and editing mate­rial already in the data­base, which is connected to her case studies. Prima­rily, she will be focused on volume XV of the alpha­be­tical Ency­clo­pedia, which contains all the entries starting with the letter R (inclu­ding ‘Roma’).