The Census Lays the Foun­da­tions for Linked Open Data

12. January 2021

In 2021 the Census is working with the company to make the Census data Linked Open Data.

Although the current Census data­base is an open access resource that is freely available online, its data cannot curr­ently be linked to that of other rese­arch projects. The first step towards the trans­for­ma­tion of the Census data into Linked Open Data was the project Kultur­erbe als Linked Open Data — Pilot­pro­jekt für den Census, funded by a grant from the Regie­rende Bürger­meister von Berlin — Senats­kanzlei Wissen­schaft und Forschung, which ran between February 2018, and December 2020 and was carried out by TELOTA – IT/DH at the Berlin-Bran­den­bur­gi­schen Akademie der Wissenschaften. in 2021 and 2022 will be deve­lo­ping a semantic repre­sen­ta­tion of the Census data using inter­na­tio­nally-reco­g­nised stan­dards. This will open up new possi­bi­li­ties for the Census data­base, not only by enab­ling new ways of querying and inter­ac­ting with the data, but also by allo­wing the Census to inter­sect with other important data­sets in the field.

The work with is taking place at the same time as a complete upgrade of the EasyDB soft­ware by the Berlin soft­ware firm Programm­fa­brik. In the future, users of the Census data­base can expect to work with a new inter­face, and be offered new possi­bi­li­ties for sear­ching and acces­sing the data.