A photo campaign begun in 2021 and which will continue over the next years will add thousands of new photographs to the database. This wide-ranging campaign will significantly improve the visual resources of the Census, both for antique monuments and for Renaisssance works of art.
The Institute was able to acquire images and commission new photographs, such as those of the Holkham Album in Holkham Hall (a detail view is shown here), the antiques in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, and the drawings in the “Codex Fossombrone” in the Biblioteca Civica Passionei in Fossombrone. Also in progress is an update of the photographs of the works of art in the Capitoline Museums in Rome, the British Museum in London and the Museo Archeologico Nazionale in Naples.
A list of the photographic resources that have been uploaded to the database can be found on the research page and is continuously updated.
The Census owes a great debt of gratitude to the libraries, museums and archives that have cooperated by providing new photographs, especially in light of the difficult conditions brought about by the pandemic.
image: Holkham Hall Ms. 701, fol. 34v (Detail), reproduced with the kind permission of the Earl of Leicester and the Trustees of the Holkham Estate