New Photo­gra­phic Campaign

12. January 2021

A photo campaign begun in 2021 and which will continue over the next years will add thou­sands of new photo­graphs to the data­base. This wide-ranging campaign will signi­fi­cantly improve the visual resources of the Census, both for antique monu­ments and for Renaiss­sance works of art.

The Insti­tute was able to acquire images and commis­sion new photo­graphs, such as those of the Holkham Album in Holkham Hall (a detail view is shown here), the anti­ques in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, and the drawings in the “Codex Foss­om­brone” in the Biblio­teca Civica Passionei in Foss­om­brone. Also in progress is an update of the photo­graphs of the works of art in the Capi­to­line Museums in Rome, the British Museum in London and the Museo Archeo­lo­gico Nazio­nale in Naples.

A list of the photo­gra­phic resources that have been uploaded to the data­base can be found on the rese­arch page and is conti­nuously updated.

The Census owes a great debt of grati­tude to the libra­ries, museums and archives that have coope­rated by provi­ding new photo­graphs, espe­ci­ally in light of the diffi­cult condi­tions brought about by the pandemic.

image: Holkham Hall Ms. 701, fol. 34v (Detail), repro­duced with the kind permis­sion of the Earl of Leicester and the Trus­tees of the Holkham Estate