Pegasus 20.2020 in Print

19. April 2021

The latest issue of Pegasus, number 20, offers a broad spec­trum of ​​rese­arch on the recep­tion of anti­quity. Among the contri­bu­tions is an article by Henri De Ried­matten, which lays the foun­da­tions for future rese­arch on the icono­graphy of Lucretia in the 16th century. Lothar Sickel’s archival rese­arch opens up a new perspec­tive on the signi­fi­cance and origin of the so-called Pasquino group in the Loggia dei Lanzi in Florence. Drawing upon many years of rese­arch on the Codex Cobur­gensis, Henning Wrede pres­ents new findings on the biography of the previous owner of this major work, while Michael Diers offers an obituary of one of the most important art histo­rians of our time, Martin Warnke, reflec­ting upon his life and his contri­bu­tion to the field.

Pegasus issue 20 includes articles by Chatia Cicero, Henri de Ried­matten, Lothar Sickel, Ursula Liep­mann, Henning Wrede, Norbert Franken, Corinna Rein­hardt, Arne Rein­hardt and Michael Diers