Three All’An­tica Sessions at RSA

21. March 2024

At the Renais­sance Society of America meeting in Chicago, 21–23 March 2024, three sessions will be devoted to topics related to the recep­tion of the anti­quity. These sessions will explore themes related to antique recep­tion in Italy and Medi­ter­ra­nean, Nort­hern Europe, and the Eastern Adriatic.

These sessions are orga­nised as part of the launch of the new Harvey Miller/Brepols series, “All’An­tica: Early Modern Perspec­tives on the Antique” and involve series editors Cammy Brot­hers, Kath­leen Chris­tian, Jasenka Gudelj, and Carolyn Yerkes.


All’an­tica I. Antique Recep­tion and the Visual Arts I: Italy and the Medi­ter­ra­nean World

Chair: Cammy Brot­hers, Northe­as­tern University

Antique Models and Distinct Approa­ches to Origi­na­lity and Imita­tion in Bronzino’s and Bandinelli’s All’An­tica Portraits

Prof. Claudia Lazzaro, Cornell University

Early Chris­tian Anti­qui­ties in Early Modern Print

William Sten­house, Yeshiva University

Coll­ec­ting and the Inter­me­dial Recep­tion of Anti­qui­ties in Venice and Padua, c. 1500–40

Chri­sc­inda C. Henry, McGill University

The Reco­very of Lost Anti­qui­ties in the Eastern Medi­ter­ra­nean and Black Sea

Lillian Datchev, Princeton University


All’an­tica II. Antique Recep­tion and the Visual Arts II: Nort­hern Europe

Chair: Carolyn Yerkes, Princeton University

Coll­ec­ting and Recoll­ec­ting: The Myriad Allu­sions to Anti­quity in Const­camer Paintings

Floor Koeleman, Univer­sity of Lausanne

Welsch, Deutsch, and the All’an­tica Alter­na­tive in Early Modern Germany

Dr. Rachel M. Carl­isle, Univer­sity of Alabama in Huntsville

All’an­tica as Moder­nity: Archi­tec­tural Expe­ri­ments of the Dielegem Altarpiece

Dr. Stefa­niia Demchuk, Taras Shev­chenko National Univer­sity of Kyiv


All’Antica III. Antique Recep­tion and the Visual Arts in The Eastern Adriatic

Chair: Kath­leen Chris­tian, Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin

Quadrato lapide: Ancient Archi­tec­tural Terms in Dalma­tian Renais­sance Latin

Neven Jova­novic, Univer­sity of Zagreb

Inhe­ri­ting the Emperor’s Palace: Urban (Dis)continuities of the City of Split/Spalato

Dr. Petar Strunje, Ca’ Foscari Univer­sity of Venice, Italy

The Civic Temple: The Muni­cipal Func­tions of the Ancient Forum of Pula in the Renaissance

Jasenka Gudelj, Ca’ Foscari Univer­sity of Venice