
Start » Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellows

Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellows

In 2022, a new Fellow­ship was initiated to support emer­ging and estab­lished scho­lars who are working on the recep­tion of anti­quity. The Census was for part of its history a project of both the Hertziana and the Warburg, and the Census has left its traces in the libra­ries and the photo­gra­phic coll­ec­tions of these insti­tu­tions. Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellows develop their projects in all three insti­tutes, making use of their resources as well as profiting from the extra­or­di­nary wealth of the libra­ries, univer­si­ties, and museums in Berlin, Rome, and London.

The first Fellow­ship was a colla­bo­ra­tion between the Hertziana and the Census, and in 2023, it expanded to include the Warburg Insti­tute as well. Calls for the fellow­ship usually appear in late Spring every year on the Hertziana job portal, and inter­views are conducted online in the Summer.

The full list of fellows is found below:

Juan Mantilla (Census x Hertziana Fellow, 2022–2023): The Early Modern Inven­tion of the Ancient Andes

Hugh Culli­more (Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellow, 2023–2024): From Weasels to Ostri­ches: The Influence of Ancient Egyp­tian Icono­graphy on the Crea­tion and Deve­lo­p­ment of the Emble­matic Genre

Barbara Furlotti (Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellow, 2023–2024): True Lies: Resto­ra­tions, Repro­duc­tions, and Fake Antiquities

Karl-Magnus Brose (Census x Hertziana x Warburg Fellow, 2024–2025): Forms of the Antique: Edme Bouchardon and the Sculp­tural Imagi­nary, 1723–1762