The Project
The Census of Antique Works of Art and Architecture Known in the Renaissance is a project begun in 1946 devoted to the documentation of and research on antiquities known in the Renaissance era (1400–1600). Since 1995 it has been based at the Humboldt University and its directorship is tied to a Professorship in the field of Early Modern Art at the Institute für Kunst- und Bildgeschichte.
The Census project is supported by its international advisory body. The members of the Census Advisory Board are:
the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin,
the Warburg Institute London,
the Bibliotheca Hertziana (Max-Planck-Institut für Kunstgeschichte) Rome,
the Kunstgeschichtliches Seminar of the Universität Hamburg,
and the Getty Research Institute Los Angeles.
Further information on the history of the Census, its current and former staff, and literature on the history of the project can be found by following the links below.
History of the Census
A brief history of the Census project and the international collaborations that have sustained it from the time of its foundation in 1946 up to the present day
Census Bibliography
A continually-updated list of publications about the Census and its database
Census Staff
The current Census team at the Humboldt University and a list of former employees who have had an official role at the Census
75th Anniversary Exhibition
The online exhibition “75 Years, 1946–2021. From Index Cards to Online Database” was curated in 2021 by students from the Humboldt University and the Warburg Institute