
Start » Publi­ca­tions » All’antica: Early Modern Perspec­tives on the Antique

All’an­tica: Early Modern Perspec­tives of the Antique

Series editors Cammy Brot­hers (Northe­as­tern Univer­sity) and Kath­leen Chris­tian (Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin)

The inven­tion of a real or imagined antique past, and crea­tive responses to the mate­rial remains of ancient ruins and works of art are defi­ning elements of the art, archi­tec­ture and lite­ra­ture of Europe, the Medi­ter­ra­nean basin, Central and South Asia, and other parts of the world in the Early Modern period.

In 2023 Harvey Miller Press, an imprint of Brepols, is laun­ching an English-language series co-edited by Cammy Brot­hers and Kath­leen Chris­tian that seeks to build and expand upon these areas of rese­arch. Many new approa­ches have opened up in recent decades, for example: the study of fictive notions of the ‘antique’, the inter­sec­tion of the visual arts and other disci­plines, compa­ra­tive and cross-cultural approa­ches, and concepts of the ancient past in geogra­phies beyond Europe. The series aims to reflect the current breadth of rese­arch, conside­ring ques­tions such as, what are the boun­da­ries between docu­men­ta­tion and inven­tion in the recep­tion of the antique? What stra­te­gies did artists, archi­tects and others adopt to recon­s­truct, reinvent and inter­pret ancient remains?

With the aim of advan­cing the state of rese­arch, the series offers a venue for outstan­ding mono­graphs or coll­ected essays on the Early Modern recep­tion and inven­tion of anti­quity, inclu­ding work inspired by The Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renaissance.

Books published in the series can include trans­la­tions into English of work published elsewhere.

Pros­pec­tive contri­bu­tors are invited to send a pros­pectus of maximum 10 pages by email to: c [dot] brot­hers [at] northe­as­tern [dot] edu and kath­leen [dot] chris­tian [at] hu-berlin [dot] de. The pros­pectus should include an outline of the volume’s content, a discus­sion of the current state of rese­arch on the topic, and a short summary of the poten­tial audience.

All volumes in this series are evaluated by an Edito­rial Board, strictly on academic grounds, based on reports prepared by refe­rees who have been commis­sioned by virtue of their specia­lism in the appro­priate field. The Board ensures that the scree­ning is done inde­pendently and without conflicts of inte­rest. The defi­ni­tive texts supplied by authors are also subject to review by the Board before being approved for publication.

Current members of the Edito­rial Board:

Cammy Brot­hers, Northe­as­tern Univer­sity (series editor)

Kath­leen Chris­tian, Humboldt-Univer­sität zu Berlin (series editors)

David Brafman, Getty Rese­arch Institute

Bianca de’ Divitiis, Univer­sity of Naples Federico II

Chancal Dadlani, Pomona College

Emine Fatvaci, Boston College

Jasenka Gudelj, Univer­sità Ca’ Foscari Venezia

Heather Hyde-Minor, Univer­sity of Notre Dame

Edward Wouk, Univer­sity of Manchester

Carolyn Yerkes, Princeton University