Photo Campaign 2021-

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A campaign begun in 2021 will allow for a substan­tial update of the photo­gra­phic resources of the Census data­base. Thou­sands of new images are being added in 2021 and 2022, inclu­ding new photos commis­sioned espe­ci­ally for the Census data­base. Examples include new photo­graphs of the “Holkham Hall Sketch­book” (MS 701 of the coll­ec­tion of Holkham Hall in Norfolk, see illus­tra­tion on the right), of anti­qui­ties in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua and of the Foss­om­brone Sketch­book in the Biblio­teca Civica ‘Passionei’ in Fossombrone.

Below is a list of photo­graphs recently added to the Census data­base, which will be conti­nuously updated:

Berlin, SMB-PK, Anti­ken­samm­lung: antique monu­ments

Berlin, SMB-PK, Kupfer­stich­ka­bi­nett: Codex Bero­li­nensis

Berlin, Staats­bi­blio­thek zu Berlin: Brunel­le­schi Codex

Cambridge, MA, Harvard Art Museums: Renais­sance drawings

Chan­tilly, Musée Condé: Renais­sance drawings

Chicago, Univer­sity of Chicago Library: Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae

Copen­hagen, Ny Carls­berg Glyp­totek: antique monu­ments

Copen­hagen, Statens Musem for Kunst

Epigram­mata Anti­quae Urbis (1521)

Fermo, Biblio­teca Comu­nale: Renais­sance drawings

Florence, Biblio­teca Marucel­liana: Codex Battista Brunel­le­schi, inv. A. 78.I; Monu­menta antiqua profana e sacra (Giovann­an­tonio Dosio)

Florence, Biblio­teca Nazio­nale: Dosio Sketch­book, N.A. 618

Florence, Museo del Bargello: Renais­sance artworks

Foss­om­brone, Biblio­teca Civica ‘Passionei’: Foss­om­brone sketchbook

Haarlem, Teylers Museum: Golt­zius drawings

Holkham Hall: Holkham Hall Album (MS. 701)

London, British Museum: Renais­sance drawings and prints, antique monu­ments, medals and gems

Madrid, Museo del Prado: antique monu­ments and Renais­sance works of art

Mantova, Palazzo Ducale: antique monu­ments

Modena, Galleria Estense, Museo Civico & Biblio­teca Estense: antique monu­ments, Renais­sance drawings and artworks

Mont­real, Cana­dian Centre for Archi­tec­ture, ‘Cronaca Sketch­book’, ‘Roman Sketchbook’

Munich, Glyp­to­thek: antique monuments

Naples, Biblio­teca Nazio­nale, Pirro Ligorio, Antichità

Naples, Museo Archeo­lo­gico Nazio­nale: antique monu­ments

New York, Pier­pont Morgan Library and Museum: Renais­sance drawings, inclu­ding the Codex Mellon

Oxford, Ashmo­lean Museum: antique monu­ments; Renais­sance works of art, inclu­ding the so-called Ripanda sketchbook

Padua, Biblio­teca Univer­si­taria, MS. 764

Paris,Louvre: antique monuments

Rome, Biblio­teca Ange­lica: inv. LL.21.14, Giovanni Battista De’ Cava­lieri, Anti­quarum Statuarum Urbis Romae, Liber primus (first edition) and Alfonsus Ciac­co­nius, Ms. 1564

Rome, Musei Capi­to­lini: antique monuments

Rome, Palazzo Spada: antique monuments

San Simeon, CA, Hearst Castle: antique monuments

Siena, Biblio­teca comu­nale degli Intro­nati: Renais­sance drawings

Stock­holm, National Museum: Renais­sance  drawings

Stock­holm, National Library of Sweden: Codex Holmi­ensis

Turin, Musei Reali, Biblio­teca Reali: Contraf­fa­zioni (Girolamo da Carpi), Cod. Sal. 148 (Fran­cesco di Giorgio), and other Renais­sance drawings

Turin, Musei Reali, Biblio­teca Reali: antique monuments

Urbino, Univer­sità degli Studi di Urbino Carlo Bo, Dipar­ti­mento di Studi Umani­stici, Slee­ping Nymph

Venice, Gallerie dell’­Ac­ca­demia: Renais­sance drawings

Vienna, Alber­tina, Graphi­sche Samm­lung: Renais­sance drawings und prints

Vienna, Öster­rei­chi­sche Natio­nal­bi­blio­thek: Codex Miniatus 21.2 (Jacopo Strada)

Washington, DC, National Gallery: Renais­sance drawings and works of art 

Filip­pino Lippi, The Meeting of Joachim and Anna at the Golden Gate, detail, Copen­hagen, Statens Museum for Kunst

Holkham Hall, MS. 701, fol. 34v, Holkham Hall Ms. 701, fol. 34v (Detail), repro­duced with the kind permis­sion of the Earl of Leicester and the Trus­tees of the Holkham Estate