Uffizi Drawings

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Archi­tec­tural Drawings from the Uffizi

Between 2009 and 2013 the Census focused on drawings after ancient archi­tec­ture in the Gabinetto Disegni e Stampe degli Uffizi (GDSU). This under­ta­king fulfilled a desi­de­ratum that was already present in 1981, when the Biblio­theca Hertziana became a partner insti­tu­tion of the Census, and the recep­tion of ancient archi­tec­ture joined sculp­ture to become a second core area of the project. Since 1981, only parts of the large and important coll­ec­tions in Florencefor example the drawings by Fran­cesco di Giorgio Martinihad been added to the Census database.

A prere­qui­site for work on the data­base in Berlin was the crea­tion of high-quality digital photo­graphs. First, all drawings of the ‘Fondo Archi­tec­tura’ had to be iden­ti­fied and compared with the sheets that were already in the Census. A total of appro­xi­m­ately 1,300 15th- and 16th-century drawings repre­sen­ting ancient archi­tec­ture were iden­ti­fied, of which almost 600 were already in the data­base. In four exten­sive photo campaigns, 1,300 digital photo­graphs were produced in Florence, which were then entered into the database.

The new drawings included sheets by Ales­sandro Alber­tini, Antonio da Sangallo (il Vecchio), Antonio da Sangallo (il Giovane), Aris­totile da Sangallo, Fran­cesco da Sangallo, Giovanni Battista da Sangallo, Giovanni Fran­cesco da Sangallo, Giacomo Barozzi da Vignola, Bernardo della Volpaia, Lorenzo Donati, Giovann­an­tonio Dosio, Bald­as­sare Peruzzi, Sallustio Peruzzi, Pietro Roselli, Giorgio Vasari (il Giovane), as well as nume­rous anony­mous authors.

Some of the results of the project were presented in November, 2013 as part of a study day, when they were discussed with invited experts in the field of Renais­sance archi­tec­tural drawings.

Giovann­an­tonio Dosio, Amphi­thea­trum Castrense, Uffizi 2533A r