Start » Jubi­lä­ums­aus­stel­lung » Raum 1 » Kraut­heimer an Saxl (13.5.1946), fol. 4
Warburg Insti­tute Archive, GC, Richard Kraut­heimer an Fritz Saxl, 13 Mai, 1946, fol. 4

of the antique works of art actually known to Renais­sance artists and huma­nists.

d.  Simul­ta­neously the work on the file and the prepa­ra­tion of the hand list ought to lead to further studies in the field. Mono­graphs might be initiated to cover indi­vi­dual problems. Even­tually all these studies may lead further towards rese­arch on yet unpu­blished mate­rial on the rela­tion of Renais­sance and anti­quity: work for example on the yet unpu­blished manu­scripts, espci­ally in Italian coll­ec­tions, on the nume­rous unpu­blished sketch books, on unpublished writings, such as those of Ciriaco d’An­cona, and on the Epis­to­laria of the great humanists.

6. Staff and Funds. The work would, of course, be super­vised and directed by expe­ri­enced scho­lars, but it should be under­taken by younger scho­lars, who would thus receive trai­ning in the field. Only very few of these younger scho­lars would have to give their full time to the project. At present the follo­wing staff would appear suffi­cient.

a.  Some younger scho­lars, two to four, distri­buted between London and New York to go through picto­rial and lite­rary sources. Annual fellow­ships to be continued for three or four years for the same, or for chan­ging fellows should be suffi­cient to start and finish the basic rese­arrch. The fellow­ships should enable the holders to go for some months annu­ally from the United States to England and vice versa to round out their trai­ning. They should also provide for occa­sional trips to Italy in order to go through mate­rial available only on the spot.

b.  Assistants for filing and typing and other similar work, on a art time basis, could probably be provided by the Warburg Insti­tute and the Insti­tute of Fine Arts respectively.

c.  Volun­tary colla­bo­ra­tors would be found among scho­lars working in the field and willing to incor­po­rate their occa­sional findings in the file; and among students who might take on, as M.A. or Ph.D. theses, specific problems growing from and bene­fiting the project.

d. The funds needed at present would be limited to:

i)  some fellow­ships as described above.

ii)  part time assistants (see above).

iii)  running expenses for photo­graphs, and minor matters.

iv)  expenses for publi­ca­tions. These latter could probably be carried by the Warburg Institute.