New Funds for the Census Database

2. August 2020

With the appoint­ment of Kath­leen Chris­tian as Professor of Early Modern Art at the Institut für Kunst- und Bild­ge­schichte in the Summer of 2020, the Humboldt-Univer­sität and the Berlin Univer­sity Alli­ance have provided new funding for the deve­lo­p­ment and reno­va­tion of the Census database.

This funding is being used for a complete upgrade of the soft­ware and a new user inter­face. Funds also provided for a reno­va­tion of the photo­gra­phic resources of the Census data­base as well as a data model­ling project that is trans­forming the Census data into Linked Open Data.

More infor­ma­tion on these projects can be found in the blog.