Now online: 75th Anni­ver­sary Exhibition

21. November 2021

The 75th anni­ver­sary of the Census of Antique Works of Art and Archi­tec­ture Known in the Renais­sance falls in 2021, and to mark the occa­sion a group of students at the Humboldt-Univer­sität and the Warburg Insti­tute have created an online exhi­bi­tion, ‘75 Years, 1946–2021. From Index Cards to Online Data­base’.

Room 1 considers the pre-history of the Census, found in index cards created at the Warburg Insti­tute in the 1940s by the art histo­rians Ludwig Burchard and Alfred Scharf, and the first ideas for the Census described in letters exch­anged in 1945 and 1946 between the art histo­rian Richard Kraut­heimer at Vassar College and Fritz Saxl, Director of the Warburg Institute.

Room 2 examines the deve­lo­p­ment of the Census through the trans­at­lantic colla­bo­ra­tion between Phyllis Bober in the USA and Ruth Rubin­stein at the Photo­gra­phic Coll­ec­tion of the Warburg Institute.

Room 3 includes quota­tions from letters written by Phyllis Bober in the early 1980s, when the digi­ta­li­sa­tion of the Census was just underway, explo­ring Bober’s reac­tion to tech­nical change.

Room 4 is devoted to the history of the Census data­base and includes a time line of its deve­lo­p­ment, leading up to its present form. Students in this group created several inter­ac­tive visua­li­sa­tions to repre­sent the current contents of the database.

As part of their colla­bo­ra­tion the group was able to travel virtually to the Warburg Insti­tute Photo­gra­phic Coll­ec­tion and the Warburg Insti­tute Archive. They visited the Special Coll­ec­tions of the Bryn Mawr library, where Phyllis Bober’s papers are held.

The crea­tion of the 75th anni­ver­sary exhi­bi­tion was a colla­bo­ra­tive expe­ri­ment, conducted online during the Coro­na­virus pandemic. In the face of this chall­enge, the students drew upon their unli­mited resources of enthu­siasm crea­ti­vity, and know-how.

75 Years: 1946–2021. From Index Cards to Online Data­base 

Berlin Colla­bo­ra­tors (BA Students in Kunst- und Bild­ge­schichte at the HU)

Pia Ambro­sius
Ariana Emilia Binzer
Agnete Bay Blich­feldt
Tim B. Boroe­witsch
Leonie Viktoria Engel
Marie Erfurt
Fried­rich Severin Fetzer
Marina Gold­in­stein
Helene Hell­mich
Eva Karl
Matteo Anthony Kramer
Anna Katha­rina Latzko
Maria Elisa­beth Lehmann
Sarah Vivien Letzel
Ayami Mori
Xuan Tuan Pham
Valen­tina Plot­ni­kova
Leetice Posa
Claire-Elisa Rueffer
Lucy Ruth Salmon
Hannah Mascha Sommer
Sophie Steiner
Lidia Strauch
Zahra Syed
Elisa Tinterri
Kevin Varela
Radu-Ioan Vasil­ache
Zhichun Xu
Bahar Yerushan

London Colla­bo­ra­tors (MA Students at the Warburg Institute)

Ioana Dumit­rescu
Emily La Vay
Chris­to­pher Lu
Antonia Rosso
Zahra Syed